AI Has Entered the Classroom
In this article, featured in the College of Education’s Fall 2024 Magazine, Utah Education Policy Center Director, Dr. Andrea Rorrer shares how, along with Research Associates Rachel Barnett and Jeremy Acree, and Lead Data Scientist Bill Altermatt, the UEPC...
Best Practices for Math Learning Software Implementation
In partnership with the Utah STEM Action Center and the Utah State Board of Education, the UEPC has been working to identify evidence-based strategies for creating strong technology-enabled learning environments in mathematics. In this infographic and report, we summarize...
Full ReportBeverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program Research Study Executive Summary
UEPC’s research study of BTS Learning Programs and their effective practices and barriers to participation is summarized in here. The full report can be found here.
Full ReportBeverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program Effective Practices and Barriers to Participation
This final report of UEPC’s evaluation of the BTS Arts Learning Program focuses on what practices are effective for instruction, and what barriers exist for participation in the program.
Full ReportBright Spots in Special Education: Highlighting Effective and Inclusive Schools
In this report, the UEPC identifies and highlights characteristics of effective and inclusive schools in special education in Utah.
Full ReportBlended Learning Research Brief #3
UEPC identified associations between teachers’ goals for students’ math software use and teachers’ perceptions of the value of software, in partnership with STEM Action Center.
Full ReportBlended Learning Research Brief #2
Along with our partners as STEM Action Center, UEPC looked at the associations between student attitudes toward math and math learning software use.
Full ReportBlended Learning Research Brief #1
This research brief, prepared in partnership with STEM Action Center, looks at associations between math learning software usage and personalized, competency-based instructional strategies.
Full ReportBest Practices for Creating Strong Blended Learning Environments for Mathematics in Utah: Report on Teacher and Student Survey Results
In partnership with STEM Action Center, UEPC shares best practices for math blended learning environments based on teacher and student survey data.
Full ReportUEPC Full-Day Kindergarten Study with ULEAD
UEPC’s study compared the reading achievement of a sample of Utah’s FDK and HDK students who started kindergarten between 2015 and 2017. Results highlight the impact of FDK on reading achievement during kindergarten, and suggest a need to provide...
Full ReportAssociations Between IXL Personalized Learning Software Use and Student Mathematics Achievement in Utah: 2020 – 2021
This report was prepared for the STEM Action Center in support of the K-12 Math Personalized Learning Software Grant Program. The results of this quasi-experimental study suggest that Utah students who, on average, used IXL for 20 minutes or...
Full ReportPromising Practices in Special Education Teacher Preparation
In this report, the UEPC reviews promising practices in special education teacher preparation by highlighting programs across the state of Utah.
Full ReportAdvancing STEM Teaching and Learning in Utah: An Evaluation of the STEM Action Center’s Professional Learning Grant Program in the 2021-2022 School Year
The STEM AC 2021-2022 Professional Learning grant (PL) supports schools and districts through awarding one to three-year grants to support STEM learning, STEM professional development, and STEM-related needs. Since 2016, UEPC has partnered with STEM AC to determine the...
Full ReportUtah STEM Action Center’s To-Learn Math Program: 2021-2022 Evaluation Report
The Utah Education Policy Center provided an external evaluation of a program that is designed to support the development of early mathematics skills in young children by developing and distributing resource kits to families.
Full ReportAmeriCorps Math Mentors Program: 2021-2022 Pilot Year Report
The Utah Education Policy Center worked collaboratively with Utah’s STEM Action Center to ensure that the AmeriCorps Math Mentors Program was designed and implemented in ways that align with evidence-based and practice-informed guidelines for tutoring and mentoring programs.
Full ReportExploring Best Practices in Math Personalized Learning Software Use Among Educators Identified as Positive Outliers
In this study, the Utah Education Policy Center presents evidence for a “digital use divide” in Utah wherein some students are using technology in ways that enhance their mathematics learning through student-centered and data-informed teacher support while other students...
Full ReportMath Personalized Learning Software: Examining Usage and Associations with Achievement in Utah During the Covid-19 Pandemic
In this study, the Utah Education Policy Center provides evidence that students who are low-income use math personalized learning software for less time than students who are not low-income, with the gap in usage increasing in magnitude after the...
Full ReportSpecial Education Teacher Working Conditions
In this report, the UEPC describes results from a statewide survey of special education teachers on their working conditions.
Full ReportEarly-Career Special Education Teachers’ Experiences with Preparation and Practice
In January 2022, the UEPC surveyed early-career special education teachers across the state of Utah about their experiences in their teacher preparation programs and their perceptions of preparedness for their various professional responsibilities. This report provides a summary and...
Full ReportEarly-Career Teacher Pathways: A Comparison of Special Education and General Education Teachers
In this report, the UEPC compares teacher characteristics, school characteristics, and mobility patterns of beginning special education teachers and beginning general education teachers in Utah.
Full ReportSpecial Education Teacher Career Trajectories: Predicting Persistence in the Profession
In this report, the UEPC examined the composition of Utah’s beginning special education teacher workforce. Specifically, this analysis focuses on changes in teacher/school characteristics and mobility patterns over time.
Full ReportAQI Year 1 and 2 Fast Facts
To measure the impact of the AQI Program, the DWS-OCC contracted with UEPC to conduct an external evaluation over the three years. This Fast Facts brief highlights key findings from the first two years of the program.
Full ReportSpecial Education ECAPS
This report offers initial insights into the unique experiences of special education teachers and seeks to serve as a launching point for future work on this group of educators. It is a companion to the UEPC’s primary report on...
Full ReportBeginning in the Middle: Mathematics Pathways
In Utah, does the successful completion of algebra content in Secondary Math I lay the foundation for later coursework and create a gateway to mathematics courses completed prior to postsecondary school?
Full ReportSTEM Landscape Interactive Report
Explore an initial perspective on the STEM Landscape in Utah through an interactive dashboard.
Web VersionPartnerships for Student Success, 2020 Fast Facts
The Partnerships for Student Success grant program was created through Utah Senate Bill 67, which was sponsored by Senator Ann Milner and Representative Rebecca Edwards during the 2016 Utah Legislative Session.
Full ReportTeen Afterschool Prevention Grant, 2020 Fast Facts
In collaboration with the Department of Workforce Services Office of Child Care, the Utah Education Policy Center conducted an external evaluation of the Teen Afterschool Prevention grant program for the three consecutive years of the grant (2016-2019).
Full ReportAdvancing STEM Teaching and Learning in Utah
An evaluation of the impact of the Professional Learning Grant Program prepared by the UEPC on behalf of the Utah STEM Action Center.
Full ReportLearning Mathematics with Technology in Utah
An evaluation of student attitudes and perceptions of math personalized learning software.
Full ReportTeaching Mathematics with Technology in Utah
An evaluation of teacher knowledge, practices, and outcomes using mathematics personalized learning software.
Full ReportBroadening Participation in Computing in Utah
An Evaluation of the Impact of the Computing Partnerships Grants Program prepared by the Utah Education Policy Center on behalf of the Utah STEM Action Center.
Full ReportECAPS, 2020 Interactive Report
Working in partnership with the Utah State Board of Education (USBE), the UEPC has been able to advance our understanding of the factors that contribute to educators’ career-related decisions.
Web VersionTeen Afterschool Prevention Grant, 2020
In collaboration with The Department of Workforce Services, Office of Child Care (DWS OCC), the Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) conducted an external evaluation of the Teen Afterschool Prevention (TAP) grant program for the three consecutive years of the...
Full ReportAssessment to Achievement, 2020
Assessment to Achievement: Impacting Student Learning and Growth in Utah Schools Annual Evaluation Report (2019-2020) Ed Direction, in partnership with the Utah State Board of Education (USBE), is leading a statewide project called Assessment to Achievement (A2A), which involves...
Full ReportLeadership for Literacy, ULEAD Effectiveness and Innovation Working Summit
UEPC co-designed and co-hosted the ULEAD Effectiveness and Innovation Working Summit and contributed to the development of the report with ULEAD, REL West, and USU Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services. View Report
Web VersionPartnerships for Student Success Fast Facts, 2020
In collaboration with the Utah State Board of Education (USBE), the Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) conducted an external evaluation of the Partnerships for Student Success grant program, created by Utah Senate Bill 67 (2016).
Full Report21st Century Community Learning Centers: Hser Ner Moo Community and Welcome Center
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers in Utah. The purposes of the evaluation were 1) to examine current 21st CCLC program offerings and 2) to...
Full Report“Lift and Lead” Learning Professional
Published in Learning Forward’s The Learning Professional, this article by Andrea Rorrer, Janice Bradley, and Cori Groth of UEPC explains what it takes to thrive as a leader of a turnaround school. View Article
Web VersionEvaluation of Utah’s Juvenile Competency Attainment Curriculum
The Utah Department of Human Services contracted the Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) to: 1. Conduct a review of literature on critical attainment curriculum components, best practices for attainment programming, and best practices for differentiating curriculum and programming for...
Full ReportOgden United Promise Neighborhood (OUPN)
The UEPC provided evaluation consultation and data analysis for the Ogden United Promise Neighborhood (OUPN) project. Funded in part by a U.S. Department of Education planning grant, OUPN aims to improve cradle-to-career outcomes for an economically disadvantaged neighborhood in Ogden,...
Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2019
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI...
Full ReportINSPIRE Leadership Collaborative
The Institute for Systemic Program Improvement through Research in Educational Leadership (INSPIRE Leadership) Collaborative provides a suite of surveys and evaluation resources to support continuous improvement of leadership preparation, professional learning, and practice. The INSPIRE Leadership Surveys are available for leadership...
Web VersionWestEd West Comprehensive Center Evaluation
The UEPC serves as the external evaluator for the Region 15 Comprehensive Assistance Center which provides technical assistance to the state offices of education in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah. The purpose of the evaluation is to document how...
Web VersionUtah Afterschool Network (UAN) Quality Self-Assessment Tool
Utah Afterschool Network (UAN) Quality Self-Assessment Tool The UEPC partners with the UAN to support high quality out-of-school time (OST) programs and successful outcomes for youth. The UEPC collaborates with UAN to assess the validity and reliability of the Quality Self-Assessment...
Why Do Teachers Choose Teaching And Remain Teaching?: Initial Results from the Educator Career and Pathway Survey (ECAPS) for Teachers
The Educator Career and Pathway Survey (ECAPS) for Teachers explores teachers’ decisions to become a teacher; the influence of various factors on their decision to remain in, move within, or leave education; satisfaction with working conditions; and career intentions....
Full ReportMath Science Partnership (MSP) Evaluation, 2018
The Center for Science and Math Education (CSME), at the University of Utah (U of U), received a Mathematics and Science Partnership Program (MSP) grant in 2015-2017. The CSME used the award to implement a program that provided hands-on...
Full Report21st Century Community Learning Centers: Grand County Middle School
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers in Utah. The purposes of the evaluation were 1) to examine current 21st CCLC program offerings and 2) to...
Full Report21st Century Community Learning Centers: Woodrow Wilson Elementary
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers in Utah. The purposes of the evaluation were 1) to examine current 21st CCLC program offerings and 2) to...
Full Report21st Century Community Learning Centers: American Preparatory Academy West Valley II
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers in Utah. The purposes of the evaluation were 1) to examine current 21st CCLC program offerings and 2) to...
Full Report21st Century Community Learning Centers: Glendale-Mountain View
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers in Utah. The purposes of the evaluation were 1) to examine current 21st CCLC program offerings and 2) to...
Full ReportSTEMLINK Afterschool Grant Program Evaluation, 2018
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI...
Full ReportTeen Afterschool Prevention (TAP) Grant Program Evaluation, 2018
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI...
Full ReportIntergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2018
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI...
Full ReportIntergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2018 Longitudinal Report
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI...
Full Report21st Century Community Learning Centers: Services and Innovative Practices in Utah 2016-17
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers in Utah. The purposes of the evaluation were 1) to examine current 21st CCLC program offerings and 2) to...
Full ReportAfterschool Program Quality Improvement in Utah: Development of a Program Quality Framework
This study explored the application of a collaboratively designed, quality improvement model (QIM) for afterschool programs. The quality study found support for a new continuous improvement model of afterschool program quality. The validity study concluded that self-reported QT results...
Full ReportSalt Lake County Library Summer Reading Program, 2017
In this study, UEPC examined parent perceptions of the Salt Lake County Public Library’s Summer Reading Challenge. UEPC also analyzed reading scores of participants and nonparticipants to see if the challenge helped to mitigate summer learning loss.
Full ReportTechnology Integration in Teacher Education at the University of Utah
The infographic presents the varied and meaningful ways the University of Utah trains teachers to integrate technology into instruction. The infographic covers mobile devices for content creation, cloud computing, teaching with multimedia, digital assessments, internet safety, professional learning networks, and digital presence.
Full ReportAt First Glance: Teachers in Utah
In collaboration with the Utah State Board of Education, the Utah Education Policy Center is exploring the teaching labor force in Utah through multiple data and research briefs. This first brief gives a general overview of teacher shortages from existing...
Full ReportIntergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2017 Brief
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI...
Full Report“Moving From ‘Students Can’t’ To ‘How Students Can'” The Learning Professional
A learning design anchored in the standards for professional learning puts the focus on equity.
Web VersionTeacher Turnover in Utah 2013-14 and 2014-15
Teacher Turnover in Utah Between 2013-14 and 2014-15 examines teacher turnover in Utah for all teachers, between two recent school years, looking specifically at turnover by various teacher and school characteristics.
Full ReportBeginning Teacher Turnover in Utah Between 2008-09 and 2014-15
Beginning Teacher Turnover in Utah Between 2008-09 and 2014- 15, studies a cohort of beginning teachers over an 8-year period, reporting on the rates of stayers, movers, and leavers.
Full ReportTeacher Retention in Utah: Exploring 2011-12 SASS and 2012-13 TFS Survey Data
Teacher Retention in Utah: Exploring 2011-12 SASS and 2012-13 TFS Survey Data explores Utah educator retention issues from a national survey administered to teachers.
Full ReportUtah Education Policy History (1997- 2015)
This policy history report summarizes the policies and programs established by the Utah Sate Board of Education between in a 15 year period (1997-2015). The report summarizes and reports bills in ten categories: Assessment and Accountability, Charter Schools, Curriculum, Educators, Funding...
Full ReportInformed Decisions: Utah Educators Election Brief
The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute convened focus groups to identify important issues in the 2016 election. Educators was identified as an important topic. The brief provides an analysis of the issues associated with educators in Utah. The brief was...
Full ReportSpy Hop Productions Education Data Analyses, 2016
Spy Hop Productions asked the Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) to conduct longitudinal analyses to explore the relationship of Spy Hop participation and educational outcomes.
Full ReportUtah State Board of Education (USBE) Student Leadership Skills Grant: 2016 Evaluation
Leadership skills are critical for student success in both school and career. In their future careers, students will experience the unpredictable and changing work environments of today’s global market.
Full ReportAt A Glance: Teacher Turnover in Utah
In collaboration with the Utah State Board of Education, this data brief investigates teacher turnover.
Full ReportSalt Lake Science & Engineering Fair (SLVSEF), 2016
The UEPC served as the external evaluator for the Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair (SLVSEF), now known as the University of Utah Science & Engineering Fair (USEF). The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the impact of...
Technology in the Classroom: Strategies, Potential Benefits, and Challenges
Educators and stakeholders are increasingly interested in the integration of technology in the classroom. This brief explores strategies, potential benefits, and challenges of technology-based learning resources such as one-to-one devices, mobile computer labs, and educational software.
Full ReportSTEMLink Afterschool Program Evaluation: For Grantees, 2015
This evaluation of the STEMLink program assesses both implementation and outcomes.
STEMLink Afterschool Program Evaluation: For Grantees, 2016
This evaluation of the STEMLink program assesses both implementation and outcomes.
Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2016
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI...
Full ReportPrecalculus to Calculus Delay
This study used a sample of 1,185 Utah students to examine the relationship of elapsed time between Precalculus and Calculus on Calculus grades. Results indicated that waiting longer to take Calculus after Precalculus was related to higher Calculus grades....
Full ReportOffice of Home Visiting Evaluation, 2015
Home visiting is an evidence-based, early intervention program that provides health care, education, and other resources to at-risk pregnant women and children through age 5.
Full ReportInitiative to bring Science Programs to the Incarcerated (INSPIRE)
The UEPC served as the external evaluator for the INSPIRE project run by the University of Utah Center for Science and Mathematics Education (CSME), in partnership with the Salt Lake County Metro Jail and the Utah Department of Corrections. The...
Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) STEM Evaluations
The UEPC has served as the external evaluator for four DoDEA STEM grants awarded to three schools in Davis County, Utah. The three-year grants provided support to military-associated students and enhanced STEM programming in an elementary school, junior high,...
Other School Choice studies authored by UEPC staff
A list of roughly 20 additional reports by UEPC staff.
Web VersionPrecalculus to Calculus Delay Brief
This study used a sample of 1,185 Utah students to examine the relationship of elapsed time between Precalculus and Calculus on Calculus grades. Results indicated that waiting longer to take Calculus after Precalculus was related to higher Calculus grades....
Full ReportOnline Educator Effectiveness and Stakeholder Input Surveys, 2015
The UEPC was awarded a contract to develop and conduct surveys to support the USBE’s implementation of House Bill 149 which mandated the implementation of an on-line survey system for students, parents, and teachers opinions about teacher, administrators, and schools....
Full ReportBeverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) Evaluation, Technical Assistance Guide 2015
Since 2009, the UEPC has conducted 5 annual evaluations of the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP). These evaluations used mixed methods to study the implementation and outcomes associated with the BTSALP arts education model. The first four...
Full ReportIntergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2015 Brief
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI...
Full ReportIntergenerational Poverty Interventions Afterschool Program, 2015
In partnership with the Utah State Board of Education and the Department of Workforce Services, the UEPC conducted an external evaluation of the Intergenerational Poverty Interventions (IGPI) in Public Schools grant program. Created by Senate Bill 43, the IGPI...
Full ReportMath for America
The UEPC served as the external evaluator for the University of Utah Math for America (MfA) program, which received funding from the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teaching Scholarship Program, the Math for America Foundation, and the State of...
Full ReportConcurrent Enrollment and the STEM Pipeline
As a follow up to our Math 1050: College Algebra study, the UEPC analyzed data from the Utah Data Alliance to compare math outcomes for 593 students who took Math 1050 and Math 1060 (Precalculus) through concurrent enrollment while in high...
Full ReportMath 1050: Utah’s College Algebra
The UEPC analyzed data from the Utah Data Alliance to identify a group of 3,033 students who enrolled in College Algebra (Math 1050) at public higher education institutions in Utah. The study analyzed factors that predicted success in Math 1050. Findings of...
Full ReportPostsecondary Enrollment Dashboard
Postsecondary Enrollment, Utah High School Graduating Class of 2008-2012 Students who graduated from a Utah public high school from 2008-2012 and enrolled in a postsecondary institution within 12 months of their high school graduation. For more information visit
Data-Driven Leadership Brief
Vicki Park (San Jose State University) and Amanda Datnow (University of California, San Diego) summarize a decade of research on data-driven decision making in districts and schools. They introduce a framework that focuses on the people, policies, practices, and...
Full ReportDual Language Immersion Brief
The UEPC collaborated with the USOE and Johanna Watzinger-Tharp in the College of Humanities at the University of Utah to analyze state data related to Utah’s Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs. The purpose of this ongoing research is to...
Full ReportDual Language Immersion
The UEPC collaborated with the USOE and Johanna Watzinger-Tharp in the College of Humanities at the University of Utah to analyze state data related to Utah’s Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs. The purpose of this ongoing research is to...
Full ReportData-Driven Leadership Summary
Vicki Park (San Jose State University) and Amanda Datnow (University of California, San Diego) summarize a decade of research on data-driven decision making in districts and schools. They introduce a framework that focuses on the people, policies, practices, and...
Full ReportOnline Educator Effectiveness and Stakeholder Input Surveys, 2014
The UEPC was awarded a contract to develop and conduct surveys to support the USBE’s implementation of House Bill 149 which mandated the implementation of an on-line survey system for students, parents, and teachers opinions about teacher, administrators, and schools....
Full ReportBeverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) Evaluation, 2014
Since 2009, the UEPC has conducted 5 annual evaluations of the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP). These evaluations used mixed methods to study the implementation and outcomes associated with the BTSALP arts education model. The first four...
Full ReportGone and Back Again: Continuing Education for High School Non-Graduates
The UEPC analyzed data from the Utah Data Alliance to identify a group of 4,693 students who did not graduate from high school. The study followed these students for seven years to determine if, how, and when the students reengaged with...
Full ReportSupport and Mentoring in an Alternate Route to Teaching (SMART)
The UEPC conducted an evaluation of the University of Utah Support and Mentoring in an Alternate Route to Teaching (SMART) program, which was funded by the National Science Foundation, in its first two years of implementation. The 2011-12 evaluation report...
Full ReportOnline Educator Effectiveness and Stakeholder Input Surveys, 2013
The UEPC was awarded a contract to develop and conduct surveys to support the USBE’s implementation of House Bill 149 which mandated the implementation of an on-line survey system for students, parents, and teachers opinions about teacher, administrators, and schools....
Full ReportBeverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) Evaluation, 2013
Since 2009, the UEPC has conducted 5 annual evaluations of the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP). These evaluations used mixed methods to study the implementation and outcomes associated with the BTSALP arts education model. The first four...
Full ReportResearch Brief: Chronic Absenteeism (2012)
This research brief focuses Chronic Absenteeism in Utah public schools. It reports: The students who are most likely to be chronically absent A demographic profile of chronically absent students Patterns in chronic absenteeism over time Relationships between chronic absenteeism and...
Full ReportChronic Absenteeism
The UEPC conducted analyses of the demographic and academic correlates of chronic absenteeism in K-12. A student was considered chronically absent if he or she missed school 10 percent of the time, or more, for any reasons. Findings presented...
Full ReportSalt Lake City School District Community Learning Centers (CLC), 2012
The UEPC conducted a capacity building evaluation to support the Salt Lake City School District’s (SLCSD) development of several Community Learning Centers (CLCs). Used original survey data, school data, and student achievement data to document the program implementation and outcomes...
Full ReportBeverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) Evaluation, 2012
Since 2009, the UEPC has conducted 5 annual evaluations of the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP). These evaluations used mixed methods to study the implementation and outcomes associated with the BTSALP arts education model. The first four...
Full ReportPerformance-based Compensation
The UEPC evaluated the Performance-based Compensation Pilot Program. This program provided bonuses paid to teachers based on areas of student learning gains, instructional quality, and parent satisfaction. The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the implementation of the...
Full ReportBeverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) Evaluation, 2011
Since 2009, the UEPC has conducted 5 annual evaluations of the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP). These evaluations used mixed methods to study the implementation and outcomes associated with the BTSALP arts education model. The first four...
Full ReportBeverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) Evaluation, 2010
Since 2009, the UEPC has conducted 5 annual evaluations of the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP). These evaluations used mixed methods to study the implementation and outcomes associated with the BTSALP arts education model. The first four...
Full ReportBeverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) Evaluation, 2009
Since 2009, the UEPC has conducted 5 annual evaluations of the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP). These evaluations used mixed methods to study the implementation and outcomes associated with the BTSALP arts education model. The first four...
Full ReportCharter School Study
In response to the Utah Legislature Executive Appropriations Committee Request for Proposal in 2006, the UEPC conducted a study of charter schools in Utah to obtain information about the purpose, authorization, governance, and training associated with charter schools, as...
Full Report